Thursday, March 15, 2012

To Be Able

Pastor Jon

Luke 4

vs. 1 full of the Holy Spirit
vs. 14 in the power of the Holy Spirit

In the desert it's in that time the power of the Holy Spirit is shown... it becomes spiritual

vs. 2 Jesus was in a weakened spiritual state. All He had to lean on was the Holy Spirit.
(He is human and not a ghost)

Power- to be able

Two attacks:
1. Against our identity
  • "If" (IF God loves you...)
  • putting doubts in our mind
  • when the devil questioned Jesus' identity, He resisted having to explain Himself (ex: giving and praying --- I'll scratch your back if you'll scratch mine kinda relationship!)
When people do that they don't trust God.
"PRINCE"- He is NOT king! He is ALWAYS subject to the King! James 12:31 (NIV)

2. Take the easy way out
  • Word of God
  • Worship
  • Restoration is harder that to creation!
Satan doesn't have the power to give you anything!

Matthew 16:18 Satan's kingdom is a dungeon. "The gates"

Exodus 19:5 The whole earth is God's
Psalms 24:1

There will become a time where we all get to the desert and all we have is to lean on God. We can be full of the Holy Spirit but never have the power of the Holy Spirit. What will you do when you get to the desert?!

*Marvelous Light*

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


The Summit
Pastor Jon

The presence of God is revealed when we walk out of our captivity.
(Sometimes we go back into captivity by our problems)

Exodus 13:17-22

John 5:19

Presence of God:
vs. 21 Day- pillar of cloud
Night- pillar of fire

vs. 22 the pillar NEVER left the Israelites

Genesis 15:17-18
The Covenant
1. Saved
2. Walk with God daily (in His presence)
3. God walks us into a fire/battle

Exodus 14:1-13

vs. 18
  • Perception is not reality
  • It's not what we wear to battle but who is in us
"They were dressed and armed for battle" (NIV)

Exodus 14:1-4
Pharaoh will think the Israelites are wandering the land in confusion vs. 3

God hardened Pharaoh's heart! vs. 4 and 8
  • vs. 4 He said He would
  • vs. 8 He did
Sometimes God lets us get in a trap so we DON'T run!!!

God will speak in the middle of all the confusion

What is in front of us can be just as scary as what is behind us

God gave us armor so we could walk with Him and we're not even going to use it for battle.

Only when we stand still will God let us stand on eagle's wings, run and not grow weary, rund and not grow faint. But when we run, God has to come catch us.

CONFUSION __________________ death
in front behind

He provides a way out!!! ALWAYS!

vs. 24 "The Lord looked down at the Egyptian army and threw them into confusion."
Red Sea= confusion (KAOS)

Exodus 15

vs. 1 They sang praises
vs. 3 The Lord is a warrior

(Selah= pause)
(Stand still...PAUSE)